Saturday, December 03, 2005

Points of light shine from Idaho

The Idaho State Bar has identified several pro bono lawyers for special recognition.
Stephen L. Beer, Dennis L. Cain, Joseph M. Meier, Rory R. Jones, and Michelle R. Points have received 2005 Pro Bono Awards for the 4th Judicial District from the Idaho State Bar. Every year the Bar honors members of the legal profession for their contribution to their communities and to their legal profession. One of the awards is named for the late Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program Director Denise O' Donnell Day who worked tirelessly throughout her career to provide legal services to the poor and disadvantaged. Pro Bono Award recipients follow her example of providing freely the best of their professional abilities and service. Beer and Cain, of Beer & Cain Law Firm, Boise, received individual Pro Bono awards for their work with the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program. Meier, of Cosho Humphrey, Boise, has been representing IVLP pro bono clients in bankruptcy cases since 1989. Jones, of Jones Gledhill Hess Furhman & Eiden P.A., Boise, was nominated by the 4th District CASA Program for his ongoing help with their cases. Points, Hawley, Troxell, Ennis & Hawley LLP, was nominated by the 4th District CASA Program for this award.
These lawyers work tirelessly without any expectation of recognition or reward. We should all be enormously grateful to them for their dedication to the public good. By their actions, the image of our profession shines brightly.


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